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<b>Spaceballs: The Journal Entry</b>

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Sunday, July 6, 2003 at 11:26 am by flerly.

Dark Helmet: I am your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate.
Lone Star: What does that make us?
Dark Helmet: Absolutely nothing, which is what you are about to become.

Man, I am lazy. I can tell you that because it’s true. I’m sitting here writing up a journal entry while Maggie and John are furiously going through the apartment carrying things out to their cars to be moved over to her new house. Working like mad people, they are. I already told her she’s crazy. She just sighed and said, “yeah.”

Last night was pretty darn nifty: bought strawberries with chocolate fruit dip and some pita bread and hummus, played a few round of chez geek, ordered pizza, then watched Spaceballs: The Movie and caught the majority of Krull on cable. Zero stress. Sweeeet.

And wow, today I wake up and it’s only Sunday. Slept all the way until 10:30, and feel great. I did a little last minute shopping yesterday, very cheaply at Ross, and think I am now officially all set to go. Just had a few more nagging things that I wanted to get before the trip, and I gave myself one store to see if I could find what I wanted or else I just give up. Go Ross!

Now I can’t stop going over and over in my brain what needs to be washed/ironed/and packed, and I think I’ll start laying things out tonight. It’s only a four day trip, damnit. But there’s just such a variety of activities, indoor/outdoor/potentially dressy/potentially casual & sweating our asses off… I dunno. And I’ve been thinking about it, and I think I’m going to have to get ready for the wedding at the hotel, and just be in the dress the whole evening. Limo – courthouse – chapel – hotel… all in the dress. No big deal, I guess. I just hope I don’t get all sweaty. I just can’t imagine having a place to change at the chapel… well, I’m just not sure. Do I really want to lug a bag around with the dress in it all night? I mean.. it’s sort of casual.. I could run around in it I guess. I dunno. That one I’m still considering, read: talking myself into the possibility of looking like a sweaty mess in my wedding pictures from having had it on all afternoon.

Anywho. Been thinking about next weekend, too. Saturday is JamesT’s birthday. I know we were sort of considering a motorcycle trip to Alabama this weekend, and we may still do that. It’s just going to be a pain dealing with luggage. I really wanted this to be a me on the back of the bike trip, but it looks more like a me following in the car with the bags trip, and I just can’t get excited about that. In fact, I get stressed about that. I hate following him the car because I just freak out at how traffic acts around him with me right there to watch it. Don’t even want to think about it.

So, alternatively, since James is OFF WORK this WHOLE weekend, I thought it might be fun to go out and do some things that I know he misses out on, like maybe going Saturday night to The Chamber (there’s something special going on that night, AquaVenus.. “electronica to drum-n-bass and beyond…” which sounds interesting). Maybe instead of Alabama we could take a day Motorcycle trip someplace closer, where we could make it back home and not have to worry about luggage. And, well, figured he might want to make a run to Chattanooga sometime to see family/friends for the birthday. I know we’re going to be broke from Vegas (unless we hit the jackpot, of course), so I don’t anticipate any big, “let’s all get together for James’ birthday and chow-down” sort of event. Maybe we’ll do that some night the following week if people are interested.

Anyway.. half an hour until the James gets off work. I’m sort of dressed, but I’m hoping we’ll be getting some food … probably up in Kennesaw, so I can stop by work a few minutes.. so I’d better go put on some makeup so as not to scare any small children.


1 Comment

  1. tomthedog has made a Comment

    “Now you see why evil will always triumph over good: because good… is dumb.”

    I love Spaceballs. The last great Mel Brooks movie.

    July 9, 2003 @ 6:40 pm

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