Storm on…

Well, we’ve done a bit of cleaning house and rearranging. The place is starting to look like a livable apartment again. Still a big gap in the kitchen where a table ought to be, but we’ll probably take care of that sometime this week.
I guess it’s sort of recap time. Here are some snapshots of the wedding, which was of course, in Las Vegas, exactly like we wanted. Like I’ve said several times this week, Vegas is a well oiled wedding machine… in-and-out, 20 minutes, pretty much. It was great. Afterwards we stayed dressed up, hung out in the casino at the Luxor, drank champagne, then finished off some carrot cake together in lieu of actual wedding cake. Nick and Mandy went with us. You may recall James was in their wedding about a year ago, so this was an anniversary trip for them as well. We planned it well… with a long vacation week, we covered the 4th of July, our wedding day, James’ birthday, and Nick & Mandy’s anniversary. We could probably plan a big trip over this week every year, and do just as well. It’s nice having a lot to celebrate while you’re out. Only thing… Mandy is five months pregnant, so next year, they’ll have a little one. Perhaps we’ll go it alone. We are both dying to go back… next time with more money, of course. We left those early to bed, early risers at about 10pm local time, and ventured out on our own most nights. We stayed at the Luxor, but managed to walk down the strip as far as Caesar’s Palace, cross to Bally’s then walk back. We actually went in and explored the Excalibur, MGM Grand, Bellagio, Bally’s, Paris and Caesar’s. Caught the Bellagio fountain show, set to Celine Dion =\. The only show we took in was Blue Man Group at the Luxor. James got a great poster, which they kissed and put hand prints on after the show, so he’s already framed it proudly. He’s also already looked at tickets to the upcoming Atlanta show, since we have to go again. Just don’t ask me to describe the show. Just be assured, you’ll have fun.
Anyway.. We went to the Luxor’s nightclub, Ra, one night — was pricey but WAY fun. And we rented a car one day for a trip to Hoover Dam and some driving around the strip. James’ other souvenir/early birthday present was a sweet new Swatch from the Swatch store. Made me remember that the last swatch store I was in was in Hawaii, where I was buying him a new Swatch for his birthday, too. So, I guess every two years at least we’ll have to find a Swatch store to keep up the new tradition.
Hmm. Sent Mom, Sis, Niece, and … mother-in-law (whoa)… some pictures by email. I say because I just noticed mom sign online, and I’m sure she’ll be on for 10 minutes downloading everything. Probably get a phone call in a half hour or so. =)
So, trip ended up on Friday. We got back to Hotlanta (which wasn’t feeling nearly so hot to us after record heat out in Vegas) about 9:30pm and home about 10:30pm. With the weather misbehaving, we decided to not try to take the motorcycle for a trip after all, and instead ended up in Chattanooga for a family dinner in James’ Mom’s new kitchen. Watched the wedding video, looked at pictures. Then ended up staying the night (unplanned) so we could see James’ Dad the next day… watched the video, looked at pictures. When it was all said and done, we ended up exhausted at home sometime Sunday evening. First load of laundry bugged out the dryer (smelled like it was on fire and tripped the breaker). Then, of course, we had to hunt down a belt to fix the burned out vacuum cleaner. And, well, by the time we got all set to clean house, we just said fuck it, watched a movie and went to bed, finally, comfortable in our own bed. Woke up with both cats (who’d been fighting all evening) asleep beside each other on the foot of our bed. Got up, took one look at the house, and knew I wouldn’t rest today until I got something done… so called in to work.
Well, that’s about that. Lots more cool stories/details about Vegas that I’ll save for in person chats with people I haven’t seen for too long. Meanwhile, we’re still waiting to get our professional wedding shots, and I can’t wait. I bought a great cheesy Las Vegas wedding picture frame that I want to put one in for us. Otherwise, for souvenirs, I got a great sterling silver Eye of Ra necklace, a King Tut Teddy Bear, a goofy key chain, a camel on a stick (which I’ve named Heywood), and of course, my novelty Husband. =) I also saved my bouquet (though it didn’t travel well) and the cork from our champagne. I know, silly girl.
I guess that’s enough ramble. I’ll shut up and go listen to the rain storm now.
amiaba has made a Comment
Just wanted to say Congrats!!!
It’s weird, I was just wondering what you have been up to and decided to look at your journal and voila your hitched.
July 14, 2003 @ 6:44 pm
bingothemonkey has made a Comment
First, the photos are great.
Now, for the weird. . .I SO WISH THAT I HAD NEON SIGNS IN MY WEDDING PHOTOS. I think I’d still be married. Okay, well maybe not. I still wish I had them, though.
July 15, 2003 @ 1:37 am