man, I’m still full

Well, blew the diet all to hell last night with Maggoo’s parents. Ended up (late) at Chops on W. Paces Ferry, for a $24 peppercorn crusted tuna steak and garlic potatoes, and the final nail in the diet coffin was a lusciously creamy piece of Chicago style cheesecake drizzled with strawberry sauce. Six people ended up with about a $280 tab, if I read the check correctly in the glimpse I got before step-dad picked it up. They were too generous! –I’m still full, and today is Employee Luncheon day.
Oh well.. have two digital cams at my disposal for a few days. Should get some picts of the tattoo up, if I can figure out how to take one without featuring my wide ass.
Well.. according to
And on the party front.. the 23rd is still on. Invited Bruce and Jane, only to find out that his birthday is end of March, too. Looks like we’ll have 2 birthday boys and a birthday girl at the party. NOW we’re gonna have to have cake… I’ll have to see about ordering some lewd porn cake or something outrageous. Although I do believe one lucky b-day boy is getting the lewd-night-out treatment in advanced, as Som and JT plan to “go out” tomorrow. Thought about being a tag-along, but just can’t justify paying covers to get into strip-clubs on my meager account balance pre-Savannah. Here’s hoping they go early enough to have a little “at home” time pre-work tomorrow night.. hint hint JT!
Savannah! Savannah! Weeeeeoooooeeeooooeeooo! *psyched*
JT and alcohol and ritzy hotel rooms, oh my. He says to me last night, “is Wanda going too?” I say, “I believe so.” He’s like, “Now we get to perform in front of three people!” ehehehehehehheheh.. I luv him, did I mention that?
Anyway, feeling the haven’t-talked-to-mom guilt setting in. Guess I’d better get off here and at least browse for an ecard to her to say hello.
aoide has made a Comment
DOH! Did I forget to tell you that Wanda is thinking about ditching? She is really sick right now so she doesn’t know if she will make it. Don’t Worry though mag and I wil try to be very attentive for you! I will clap at all the right places!!
March 13, 2002 @ 4:25 am
flerly has made a Comment
Well, if Wanda doesn’t make it, hopefully you guys won’t have time to watch and clap for all the “performing” happening on your half of the room. Keep chanting.. Matt and alcohol and ritzy hotel rooms, oh my.
March 13, 2002 @ 4:50 am
viciouslysweet has made a Comment
I LOVED music midtown last year! You can ask J, I still talk about it. I had sooooo much fun! I have never seen that much publicly consumed weed in my life! It was awesome! (not that I do weed, I mean the music).I have been waiting since music midtown ended last year for the one this year. I can not wait to go, it is going to kick ass and take names =P
March 13, 2002 @ 10:20 am