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Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Thursday, July 24, 2003 at 9:40 am by flerly.

Fleetwood Mac
The Arena At Gwinnett Center, Duluth, GA
Sun, Sep 07, 2003 8:00pm

How strange to come back so close on the same tour.

Ugh. I’m working at home again. Feel better, but just thought I’d try to get some things done that I was supposed to do yesterday, but Jonathan wouldn’t leave me alone. Of course, who should be waiting for me to sign on but…. Jonathan with more crap. He told me his changes, I explained in detail how it was all crap, and he told me to seek out that first morning cup of coffee.

Yeah, I’m grumpy. I want to see mom this weekend. Two days in a row I’ve called and gotten her machine instead of her, and she doesn’t call back. I see her sign online, so I know she’s home. Wondering if I could get her to come see me, but I may have to go up there. I dunno. She’s worrying me a little, I guess.

Ugh. Maybe I do need that coffee.


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