Good Morning, Kramer…
Some people they seem to be able to contract fairly quickly. Some not so fast. Who knows what’s going on behind the curtain. Talk directly to the camel. Who are you looking at over there? — Don’t ask James about having lengthy late night conversations with camels. He won’t tell.
Ugh. Boy, I woke up really wanting some breakfast this morning, and this coffee just isn’t making the cut. I should have stopped at BK or something. Yes, JT’s family will be arriving tomorrow along with our new dryer. The trick tonight will be where to hide the enormous pile of dirty clothes that have been waiting on the dryer to arrive… I’m planning to work from home tomorrow, so maybe I can get some things cleaned and put away before they get back from whatever sightseeing trip they’re planning for Friday.
Man, I hate those nights when you seem to close your eyes for only a moment, and the next thing you know your alarm is going off. I blinked and the night was over. That sucks.
Blah.. oh well. I’ve tried ignoring them. I’ve tried staring at them. I’ve tried shuffling them into another order. Nothing seems to work. This pile of things to do won’t go away of it’s own accord.
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