I drive a VW Beetle

Someday, when I rule the world, I am going to make fast food providers and car manufacturers sit down and agree on some standard size of cup and make the cupholders in cars fit them.
Curse my sporty little import vehicle. In Japan, they don’t understand the word “biggie” I guess. Neither does my mom, though. Last time I visited her, she drove us through Wendy’s just for a drink, and I told her to get me a biggie diet coke and she said, “a WHAT?!?” I had to repeat “biggie” several times, and I could tell when she said it to place the order that she still had the slight feeling I was pulling her leg and trying to make her look silly at the drive through.
Oh well. No matter. I have dark jeans on today and I doubt anyone will notice these crotch-held coke related dribbles from the short drive from Wendy’s to work.
petulant_derek has made a Comment
The cup holders in my japanese import are just large enough to hold a tiny tea-cup or maybe a shot glass. I feel your pain.
August 13, 2003 @ 6:33 am
bingothemonkey has made a Comment
You can barely squeeze a regular sized can of coke into those cupholders. Plus, you have no ashtray, so your toll-booth money change goes into them anyway! So, like you, between the thighs goes the beverage.
August 13, 2003 @ 8:19 am
piskie has made a Comment
when *I* rule the world, i will change the spelling of “TEAM” to “TEIM” so there will finally be and “I” in “TEIM”. – the man show
August 13, 2003 @ 9:15 am
infinite1der has made a Comment
At least your cupholders are ACTUAL cup holders and not some 3/4 circular indentions with a 1″ depth that couldn’t hold an empty soda can upright while pulling out of a parking space.
August 13, 2003 @ 9:33 am