The latest breaking…
October 1st is our new D-Day.
The magic number of “spared” employees has now reduced from 16 to “7 or 8” and there is no official list yet of who it will include. Signs don’t point so strongly to me being on it anymore, I can say that. Official word is that these remaining folks will be working out of their homes, with no office space. Those not on the list, if they choose to stick with the company until the target date of October 1st, will be rewarded with a “loyalty bonus” and a “nice severance package” details of which are coming soon.
Camp is off to Denver for a big meeting where “things are to be hammered out” and he should be back on Tuesday with the official list and details on severance. Anyone who wants to move to California is being encouraged to do so, but all bets are still on the whole operation relocating in the next six months to Jacksonville, Florida.
And that, my darlings, is that. The cause: we less than impressed the “visiting dignitary” Jim Wolcott from Santa Ana. He looked like a damned professional wrestler in a button down and khakis. He didn’t just shake my hand, he swallowed my whole forearm with his grip. I didn’t get to do one of the “one on one” interviews that many other people did, due to my “working from home” status on Monday, but I can’t say I would have impressed any more than anyone else. Would I have bumped up my chances of being on the spared list? Who knows. At this point, who even cares. Yes, dear ones. I will at least stay until October 1st.
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