
Savannah Pics are online, in reduced quality & quantity. Tried to just post the silly ones of us and a few shots to show the crowd and the city.
I guess the one pic that defines the weekend would be:
Overall, it was an amazing, fun, relaxing, romantic long weekend, and one of the best vacations I’ve had in a long while. Mix tequila shots, feather boas, beads thrown from balconies, 2-foot tall pina coladas, several blocks of cobblestones crowded elbow to asshole with drunk people, tons of good food, great hotel room view, sunny-80+ degree weather, silly-sweet bfs who dont get embarassed when you show your tits, and warm early-summer breezes as you sit and listen to the street performers into the wee hours of the morning and you get one fabulous trip. The pictures don’t do it justice.
Anyway.. made it to Ice Age, which rocked, with it’s fab Star Wars trailer. Witnessed the laziest woman on the planet at said movie… huge, 300+ lbs woman seated in theater uses cell phone to call information to get theater number, then call theater manager to tell him there’s a dark line across the screen on the pre-show slides. James is like.. “Lazy bitch, take the 20 steps and go tell the usher,” but it was obvious this lady didn’t make any movements if she didn’t have to, hence the poundage.
Interesting overheard quote of the trip, “Well, I have to tell you that you’re a little acidic, mister.” I’ll let the context of that one be unexplained.
There’s so much more to tell, but after taking a day off, it seems I have some piled up work to catch up on.
anonymous has made a Comment
March 19, 2002 @ 7:00 am
flerly has made a Comment
uh huh… doh! No worries though. We’d have been sad if there hadn’t been a little “something something” going on in the other bed.
March 19, 2002 @ 9:55 am
viciouslysweet has made a Comment
Welcome back! Glad your home safe. =)
March 19, 2002 @ 10:25 am