
Feeling ick.
Today, I cheated my ass off on my diet… in a “i had a tortilla and rice” sorta way at lunch which made even my good choice whole wheat pasta sort of a no no for the day… especially since I bailed out at about 2-miles today, huffing and puffing and finding myself having a very icky sore throat. I thought taking yesterday as a day of rest would do it, but apparently I’m still fighting something.
VPN set up at home. Yippee. Can’t be on messenger while on VPN. Booo. May have to spring for power supply to set up old 2nd computer again if I intend to work from home. Which could be… who knows when. Wish it could be tomorrow, but I have to make an appearance for an early conference call where we get to discuss “options and feasibility” of me training a… what does this make.. 9th? person… to help me with graphics and siteconfg over the telephone this time. She’s in Kansas City. I asked them to fly us both to Hawaii for the training, but I don’t guess that’s “feasible”.
Well, after a swig of that 15-year old single malt scotch, courtesy the new roomie, I think my tired, icky ass is ready for a hot bath and some sleep. I don’t expect James before 3 am (even if he has to work)… he’s so happy to have another member of the guy team around to help him battle the estrogen of the Cheese Posse, I’m sure.
skjarl has made a Comment
What kind of VPN is it? I suppose the only real question you might be able to answer is what is your VPN client called. I’m a nerd for such things. Humor me.
October 7, 2003 @ 5:50 pm
flerly has made a Comment
Cisco VPN Client v4.0 it says.
October 10, 2003 @ 8:41 am