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Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Friday, October 10, 2003 at 10:48 am by flerly.

[10:27] GeoffreyK: sorry you didn’t get to learn yesterday
[10:27] GeoffreyK: in ignorance you shall find contentment
[10:27] Kim J: when you trying again?
[10:27] GeoffreyK: whenever they call
[10:28] Kim J: oh well. we’ll try again.
[10:28] Kim J: or you could just sit down and write me up a detailed instruction manual on what you do…
[10:28] Kim J: could you just whip that out?
[10:28] Kim J: shouldn’t take long, right?
[10:28] Kim J: =P
[10:28] GeoffreyK: I’ll get right on that

Day one, working with the VPN. This will be sort of like a four-day weekend, since I have Monday off. Anybody else have a visit 6-flags on Oct 13th for $5 coupon? I’m going. I hear they fixed that ride… you know, The Line, so that when you finish it, you get to ride this other ride called Deja Vu. It’s just a rumor, but I might check it out.

I guess with half the posse out of town, it’s for Magoo and I to decide our dinner plans. Magoo? You gonna be local? gonna be in town? JamesT gets off work late, 8ish, but how about we have a get together dinner out (maybe we’ll drag Brad?) … and there is always the highly recommended going to the Star Bar later for Hill Valley Preservation Society. Interested, email me I guess.

I could not be happier that today is Friday. I may have to pause right now and do a little happy Friday dance. Perhaps a haiku is also in order.



  1. laedevalle has made a Comment

    Can anyone join that haiku thang?

    October 10, 2003 @ 4:44 am

  2. flerly has made a Comment

    But of course…

    October 10, 2003 @ 4:55 am

  3. piskie has made a Comment

    little happy friday dance

    i have happy dance of my own, but not one just for fridays!

    October 10, 2003 @ 5:22 am

  4. blistex has made a Comment

    Where do you get these $5 coupons??

    October 10, 2003 @ 10:46 am

  5. flerly has made a Comment

    Last time we went to 6-flags they were handing them to people, along with some raffle stuff, right after you came into the park.

    October 10, 2003 @ 11:22 am

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