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i try to help

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Tuesday, October 28, 2003 at 11:34 am by flerly.

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul
flerly goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Japanese School Girl.
aoide gives you 14 teal tropical-flavoured jelly beans.
blistex gives you 10 light green spearmint-flavoured pieces of chewing gum.
faire_raven gives you 17 green cinnamon-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.
girlblah tricks you! You lose 28 pieces of candy! YOU WITCH!
infinite1der gives you 15 light blue apple-flavoured gummy bears.
janow gives you 14 red raspberry-flavoured wafers.
jost gives you 9 red chocolate-flavoured gummy bears.
laedevalle gives you 9 yellow orange-flavoured gumdrops.
piskie gives you 4 pink pineapple-flavoured gummy fruits.
tiger66466 tricks you! You lose 42 pieces of candy! SHE’S JUST TRYING TO PRESERVE MY DIET…
flerly ends up with 22 pieces of candy.
Go trick-or-treating! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.

Good Morning. I am incredibly late, arriving after 10:30, then killing 10 minutes making fresh coffee. Finally I sit down to work and merrily find many emailed birthday greetings. I also got a very sweet birthday phone message from James’ Dad, Step-mom, and little-brother, since they missed us while we were out to dinner.

Weekend was… well, as to be expected. Lazy, slothful, bummy, non-productive, zero stress and good. Birthday shopping occurred. Two birthday dinners occurred (thanks to the D&B gang for showing). Last night was another dinner, this time PF Changs, with the Skitles and more presents… yippee! The evening finished off with a Trivial Pursuit battle royale that lasted into the wee hours that made for a very late Flerly this morning. C’est la vie.

Yeah, well, so I’m older, but no wiser… so sayeth the Trivial Pursuit. A little google search later my memory is refreshed as to the Dido/Emimem question… Before Eminem put Dido on his “Marshall Mathers” album, which debuted at number one on the “Billboard” album chart with the second-biggest first-week sales figures in the history of the record business — she was something of a secret, and hardly a sensation.… though her album did come out the year before. Oh well…

Have a nice pair of jeans and a beautiful cashmere sweater today thanks to birthday gift certificates, and I still have one more to spend. All in all, not a bad year. Lots to be thankful for, that’s for sure. Sweet family, wonderful friends, and loving husband. Still employed. Not waiting tables at some Denny’s. Happy, healthy. Decent car. Cash in my pocket. Things could be a lot worse.

Well, enough slacking for now. Perhaps I’ll begin the catch-up process from taking a day off. Oh, and I think I have a conference call in a few minutes. Hrm.



  1. tiger66466 has made a Comment

    sorry about the candy. no one was giving you SUGAR FREE candy so I thought it would be less temptation to take some from you. Don’t worry – I didn’t eat them myself. lol

    October 28, 2003 @ 4:33 am

  2. laedevalle has made a Comment

    I must rock the Casbah. So far everyone that has used my nick, has gotten candies. 🙂

    October 28, 2003 @ 4:36 am

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