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Life in the OC…

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Tuesday, November 11, 2003 at 5:10 pm by flerly.

I am visiting employee #16…. or so says the badge.

Interesting moment this morning as we waited about 5 minutes for John to bring the rental car around to the front of the hotel so we could follow Henry and his team over to the office…. which just so happened to be located in the adjacent parking lot. It was less than a minute. We could have walked over, hooked up our laptops to the network, and walked back in the time in took to fetch the car and drive over. Boy did we feel silly.

Of course, it was Henry’s idea to drive, and he knew where the office was, so.. blah. It made for a good chuckle.

Anywho.. working now. Just wanted to say howdy from Orange County.

(BTW… went to an authentic greasy spoon, as in, an ancient looking diner attached at a car repair joint. At least we knew where the grease came from.)


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