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I must also report…

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 at 3:44 pm by flerly.

The strangest thing just happened. Our doorbell rang, and I answered. At the front door, without any sign of parental supervision, were two six year old boys, complete strangers, each carrying paper and crayon, one in a “Happy Birthday” hat, and both with generous amounts of chocolate ice-cream smeared across their faces. They wanted to invite me to a birthday party tonight at 6 o’clock. If I wanted to attend I had to bring a gift, of course, which they wanted to approve in advance. Did I already have a gift in mind? they asked. I couldn’t help grinning as I replied, “No, I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was your birthday.” At this point Kitty makes an appearance at my feet, and they promptly inform me that I can’t bring my cat or any dogs to the party unless that is what I want to bring as a gift. They approved of Kitty as a suitable gift.

Regretfully, I had to decline their invitation, though now I may be kicking myself for having let the perfect opportunity to give Kitty away slip through my fingers.



  1. tiger66466 has made a Comment

    man, that is too cute. i needed such a story this morning.

    November 26, 2003 @ 1:34 am

  2. flerly has made a Comment

    I thought it was kinda cute myself. =) Those are two 6-year olds who are going to grow up to go into sales, no doubt.

    Anywho… Have a good holiday!

    November 26, 2003 @ 4:05 am

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