Firefly released today… =)
I hate my sinuses. I would like very much to have them removed, please. It burns. It is just not right to feel things flowing about as you tilt your head this way or that. It is just not right to have two very aching ears that only feel better for a few minutes after you get done with the hairdryer. It is not right to be able to breathe freely only so long as the hot water lasts in the shower.
I am lucky that nobody from work has been calling and nothing too urgent has come up in these few days I’ve felt just miserable. They are content to harass by email alone, and that I can deal with.
Must have more coffee. Must drop these cards in the mail. Must take out trash. Must thank Brad again for doing dishes, which I know were grossssss. Must harass JT to stop at Best Buy and bring me Firefly. =)
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