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Now we need fish to fry…

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Friday, January 16, 2004 at 9:17 am by flerly.

As if ass-scented candles weren’t enough, I didn’t really mean to come through with my threat to set something on fire to improve the smell in here. Just a tip: it doesn’t improve the smell at all and in fact can give you a nasty headache as well as taint the inside of your sinuses for hours so you can’t escape the odor anyplace–outside, in the shower, while you try to sleep in a totally different part of the house, etc.

I seemed to have overnuked a piece of not-totally-microwave-safe plasticware, causing burning, melting and much smoke. I’m sure it is a piece of plasticware that has seen microwave use before, but alas…. this time was too much for it. The house still reeks. My headache has finally gone away, but the smell still makes my eyes burn.

In good news, looks like JT will get his bump to engineering ASAP. I also got another job offer, for the second day in a row. I wish I wasn’t in debt up to my eyeballs so I could walk away and do something else right now, but I really can’t. I guess on the bright side, I should be able to hit these people up for something to scrape by with if I get unexpectedly layed off soon.

Today is also Patrick’s farewell luncheon, which I don’t think I can make. Stupid Los Reyes in stupid Kennesaw too far away. Oh well. I don’t know if we’re going to go out to Vinyl tonight afterall, or en masse at least. JT seems to think if today goes anything like the rest of this week, he’ll be dead tonight. Maybe Saturday…he says. Well, that doesn’t meet up with the John, Magoo, and Stacy on Saturday… but nothing’s for sure. He may yet be persuaded.

Oh, and just as a personal note to the ladies of the world: Don’t ever watch an HBO documentary about lap dances if you have a bf/husband who you know intends to ever go to a stripclub again. There is a reason they go off to a more private locale to give them. We’re not just talking “illegal” touching here, just the normal stuff is probably enough to kill your self-esteem and make you angry with your fella for a while. I’m just glad I was more reading my book than paying attention.

Atlanta Forecast – Today – Jan 16 – Mostly Sunny – 52°/33° – 34° current


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