Notes (mostly) to self:
1) Atkins breakfast cereals taste like spongy-ass. I mean.. they’re great. Good stuff. Anybody want free gift of one unopened box and one mostly-full box?
2) Must inquire at the SuperWalMart about 3 oz drink cans, since JT managed to leave one of the new 8 oz size ones sitting in the garage, half-full.
3) Men don’t actually need calendars, they need hot naked women pinned to the wall, and the pretense is someone printed an itty-bitty calendar there beside her. I know because the calendar I got him has been buried under crap on the desk since the day he opened it, but hot naked women (free with over-priced hair-cut purchase at the pay-us-more-because-we’re-hot-and-wear-tight-clothes-while-we-fondle-your-head store) made it from the store to home to the wall in record time.
infinite1der has made a Comment
Those are 8 oz cans… not 6…
March 3, 2004 @ 2:19 am
flerly has made a Comment
Well I’m glad we have no misunderstanding about THAT issue, dear. Thanks for clearing that up.
March 3, 2004 @ 3:26 am