A good word for a change…
My niece is back from Cali, and they found a condo. 1200 sq ft in San Diego for $350K. Youch!! But, therein lies the most obvious difference in cost of living. At least they’ll be homeowners and not throwing away money while they’re out there. If I manage to make enough extra money off this contract stuff I’m planning to try a short trip to Florida to see her before they leave. Her job ends April 16th, she says, but told me to “come soon before they take all our furniture!”
I told her she wasn’t even gone and JT and I were already talking about possibly visiting her in Cali or meeting up in Vegas. She said that they drove all around for the four days they were there, even went to Tijuana, but still felt like they saw almost nothing, so that she thought it would be a fun trip for us. Of course, she also said that D is dying to go to Vegas, so he’d be all for that, too. Of course, if Mr. Navy Seal Wannabe doesn’t ring that bell, then he’ll be in school until mid-September, which might make for a pretty late vacation. We can always hope he pusses out, or I told Angle I’d just as soon see just her! =)
Oh well. I did manage to be reminded, hopefully in time, that my other niece turns 18 this Saturday. I SUCK at remembering birthdays so I’m so glad she reminded me. I’ve already been the worse aunt on the planet and missed probably the last 5 years worth, but 18 is big and great!!! So… I think I’m off to the store for a card and to brainstorm on what else to send. Needs to be in the mail today, so I’d best get going soon.
Meanwhile… this weekend, it may kill me in the having time to finish contract work area, but damnit, I’m going up to Mom’s this weekend. I’ll just have to get shit done quickly today and tomorrow… which I guess means no Ferry Corsten for us. JT works thru Sunday anyway, so he’s not real keen on missing a night’s sleep in the middle of his work week.
And, just for the halibut…. if anyone has tried those marinated tuna fish in the pouches, get the lemon-pepper one and make the tuna cakes recipe on the back… oh my that is good stuff.
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