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oh my lord!

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Friday, January 18, 2002 at 4:24 pm by flerly.

How much damn stuff do we have? Where was all this junk? There are piles of boxes everywhere, and everywhere I look there is more stuff to pack. This moving stuff is almost enough to make you want to just buy a house.. but jeez imagine if you spent a few years in a house how much stuff you’d acquire. That would REALLY suck to move then.

Oh well.. poor sleepy James.. packing packing electronic stuff. So neat, so organized. He has to do that before he will get any sleep tonight before work. I think I’m going to pack all his clothes and stuff up for him tonight while he is asleep. Otherwise, he’ll be up all day tomorrow doing that, and get NO sleep.

Well, it’s almost over… just a couple more days.


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