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The short and sweet

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Friday, April 2, 2004 at 6:13 pm by flerly.

JT should be in Florida by now. Dropped him off at 5:30 am in Kennesaw to meet his Dad. He should be back by next Friday sometime.

Found out today I have to fly to California next week, Tues-Friday. Spur of the moment. Will have to seek out decent business professional attire and prepare to meet the so far cool new manager and the rest of the higher-up gang that I less than like.

SO.. even though I managed to get a contract job call in this afternoon for some rush job before my trip, I am going to stop stressing right now, stop thinking about work and go eat ice cream while playing video games with Jim, who is still our houseguest until Monday or so. Time to enjoy my damned weekend.

Thank you and good night.


1 Comment

  1. anonymous has made a Comment

    Have a safe/fun trip. I was getting worried when you didn’t post for a a while. 😉


    April 3, 2004 @ 4:55 pm

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