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The 11th Hour: Not just the sequel to The 7th Guest

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Friday, May 14, 2004 at 11:44 pm by flerly.

TGIF, y’all. I am at last mostly packed for the mini-vacation. Four days in Myrtle with Mark & Jenni, where we have tickets to Godsmack in concert Monday night, but nothing else really planned. Sounds fine to me… four days away from this house, away from these computers, away from contract work and conference calls.

Following some LJ buddies fine examples, I’ve spent the last three days carefully applying sunless tanner, so as not to blind people in the bright sunlight when and if I venture out in any one of the four new bathing suits I’ve recently purchased. I’ve also got newly highlighted hair and manicured fingers and toes. All in all, I’m looking a lot healthier than I feel after this week of crud. Last night was a particularly bad night of my own coughing keeping me up. Must remember, when I stop someplace tomorrow for cd player batteries, to get some more cough medicine or at least some cough drops. We’re supposed to have a rainy afternoon Sunday, which we may spend at a movie, and I’d sure as hell like to be able to sit through it quietly.

Ah.. oh well. All train of thought is gone… distracted by some silly walks. I swear, over the last two days I’ve had a wonderful dose of Monty Python that has really improved my mood overall. Been streaming back to back episodes from the Monty Python DVD collection on the pc beside me while I work for the past two days, and tonight I finally finished downloading my favorite Python item ever, Live at the Hollywood Bowl. Ah…. life is good with all this Python around. Even though it’s available via streaming video, I think I’m still going to have to spring for the full DVD set all for my very own. What good is working extra hours on contract jobs to make extra money if you can’t buy a little something for yourself, eh?

Ugh.. I babble. I’m off. See you Wednesday!


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