I’m a spammer today.
It’s because I wish I was out seeing Harry Potter right now, but I’m not, so instead… I spam.
I was thinking, since I just got my DVDs of the first two Harry Potter movies in the mail, and I’ve just encountered a random person who I seem to have a lot in common with that reminded me of Hellsing…
What would be your top five survivial DVDs or sets? Those ones that so long as they existed in your collection, that you always had them to call on when you were bored or lonely, would always entertain you. You could watch them a hundred times over… I think, in no particular order, I would have to say:
1) Hellsing collection
2) Monty Python collection
3) Firefly collection
4) Harry Potter (though I seem to be into rereading the books almost as often as rewatching the films)
5) Family Guy collection
Is that an odd assortment? I mean.. I should say Buffy, since I watch them over and over too when they’re on TV, or Angel, or Star Trek Next Generation, but I don’t actually own them so I guess they wouldn’t count for things I fire up when I’m bored. I want to say LOTR, too, since I do seem to watch the hell out of them as well, but… ugh.. too intense for light viewing, I guess.
Anywho, babble off… other than to say I want this wall scroll:
Oh, and just for fun I did a search. It seems “Harry Potter Et Le Prisonnier D’Azkaban” movie is available for bit torrent download already! I could learn some French, n’est pas?
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