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Baaaah baaaaaah…

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Thursday, June 10, 2004 at 3:18 pm by flerly.

Horror Rules Gazette Meme
We regret to announce the untimely death of Flerly, who on the 7th of April of this year was delicately cannibalized by some guy named Clyde. This unfortunate incident occurred in a murky swamp in Seattle, WA. The deceased was reported to have shouted “Did you hear something?” just before expiring. Flerly is survived by some thankless family members, who are even now looting the personal effects of the departed. Funeral services will be held the 19th of next month.

Notes to self:
1) Avoid folks named “Clyde”
2) Lose weight so as not to appear so tasty to cannibals
3) Work on a lovely “last words” letter to carry around in case I’m caught with stupid last words like these. She shouted ‘Did you hear something?’ but then we found this fabulous note that just brought tears to our eyes…
4) Find a “porn buddy” who will claim those items inappropriate for my looting family to find before they get to my apartment.


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