Boom, shake the room
Barely over a week in San Diego, and already frewnut-neice gets to experience her first earthquake. She said when she realized what it was she started laughing and couldn’t stop, which freaked out her daughter a bit. I told her, laugh about it if you can. I hope she can call me and laugh after every earthquake she’s in. She agreed.
Responded to Jason Churchill’s wedding RSVP today to tell them we won’t be flying to Maine (or Japan) for their wedding, and it got me thinking about gifts. I want to send something, but I’m uninspired. His classy sister did his entire invitation and sent them out, and included a note about monetary gifts being appreciated, since they reside in Hawaii, would be flying to Maine, then to Japan, then back to Hawaii when all is said and done. I can appreciate the travel expense their looking at, but I don’t feel like a “send money” friend. The date is July 16th, and I have his personal email if anybody reading this wants to shoot him a hello.
And on the work front: no calls or emails about the contract job lately. It could be a dry well. Meanwhile, FNIS has me working both to upgrade existing Comstock sites and working with a team of intern flunkies to recreate the Comstock sites in the new platform. They sent me more manuals to read yesterday, and put me in touch with some new guy who is leading the team.
On the whoa front, got an email from Jimmy that he’s flying back on Friday. I thought he told me he wasn’t due back until July, but I could be mistaken. James picks him up Friday night at MARTA, and since he’s carless, I guess he’s our houseguest for a bit…. unless he has really decided to do school here, in which case, he keeps hinting at the notion of being a roomie again. He still wants to buy a big house and let us live in it with him and help pay the mortgage, but of course, we just forged his name on a new lease beginning of this month. Knowing him, he’ll continue to roam for a bit anyhow, and college term doesn’t start for a couple months. He could be living in Jamaica by then.
skjarl has made a Comment
I’d like to be your houseguest for a few days, until I can work out my plan. I’m not married to the idea of being roomies with you two again. All that aside, there is nowhere for me to stay besides the couch. I’d like my own place again (preferably a house) while I attend school. You two are welcome to come live there, of course, but ultimately I think we would both rather have our own places. You expressed that sentiment as well, did you not?
As for roaming, I am done with that for a while. I’ve lived out of a backpack since March and I’m ready to settle down for a while. I may even bow out of the trip out west with my Dad. Anyway, we can discuss all this when I get back. My flight leaves here in about 3 hours. Konbanwa.
June 17, 2004 @ 4:28 pm