*le sigh*
I am so fucking tired. It’s Sunday night, and I really could use a weekend. Instead, I have a super-shitty day of work to do tomorrow, which will be fun to accomplish because a) I’m still semi-surrounded by boxes that need to go upstairs, b) the boys are still getting settled in their new locations, c) it’s a “day-off” for everyone in the house except me, and d) it’s JT’s birthday.
So… here are the official disclaimers for the week:
JT, I’m just too broke to do anything too special for your birthday, but I love you and we’ll deal with it later.
Brad, I apologize in advanced for doing exercise tapes and possibly bringing the roof down over your head while you may still be asleep in the morning.
ALL, I apologize in advance for my grumpy mood, but work is really starting to suck and there’s only so much ignoring it I can do. Any congregating on the “main floor” or attempts to use my computer this week may meet with a fuzzy, blue house-slipper up your ass.
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