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Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Monday, August 9, 2004 at 11:27 am by flerly.

Well, worked our butts off at Mom’s this weekend. My knees are killing me and the bottoms of my feet are still raw from using the step-ladder so often without shoes on (damn treads). We mostly accomplished my weekend goal. Her house is a split foyer style, with the stairs up leading to an open living room, dining room, kitchen area, and has a long hallway leading to the bath and bedrooms. Don’t ask me why I wanted to tackle the largest space first, but boy did it make a huge difference. Instead of scrapping all her old furniture like I dreamed of doing, I got realistic and tried to pick a nice paint color that would both be a nice background for the existing furniture, and a nice background for something else in the future. The result: cornflower blue. The foyer and hall area have wallpaper already, which looks ever so much better against the new blue walls. We redid all the trim in a lovely warm drumskin color, including the entire front door… blah blah blah.. you guys don’t care about the details, but suffice it to say it was a huge undertaking and I’m tired and sore.

Rushed home last night with the mindset that I’d make it in time for the new Sunday tv shows, only to find out I must be the only one who cares about those at all. Head downstairs at about 9:10, expecting people to be engrossed in the new Six Feet Under, only to see they’re watching some movie already. So, with the cable-box dead upstairs thanks to the recent storms, I opted to just use Shareaza to pull the episodes and just lay down and listen to the rest of the Harry Potter book I was listening to in the car. Good thing, too, since I think I passed out pretty shortly after laying down and had a nice nap before James came upstairs to bed.

The malediction today is for work. Headaches. Hassles. I’ve not had so many site revisions to work on in a long time, and am getting complaints at my number of current open tickets. Well, these aren’t the usual 2 minutes work, guys. These are actual work, and they take me some time. Deal with it.

Still trying to decide when to head back north and do some more damage to mom’s house. Can probably spend a day putting down all the new floor tiles we bought. She emailed me that she already patched the ceiling yesterday after I left where we installed a new kitchen light fixture to replace her old long fluorescent. Wish we could do that here… I HATE the crappy flickering light in our kitchen.

Oh well. Comcast is ringing the phone… bet the cable repair guy is outside.


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