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The Plan.

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Thursday, September 16, 2004 at 11:14 am by flerly.

Thursday is the day we leave to drive up to mom’s, sometime this evening after JT gets off work. As it looks, it will be sometime this evening as hurricane Ivan is making his presence known in the ATL. Can you say, joy? Should be an interesting drive up….

So, things to accomplish today:

1. Redo & Upload XXXX1 site graphics
2. Redo & Cut XXXX2 site graphics & email to Jay
3. Check other tickets
4. Start laundry for trip
5. Shower Curse this weather for being too humid to blow-dry my hair!
6. Clean up kitchen
7. Take out masses of garbage
8. Grocery store run for non-perishables for the stuff I have to make for the reunion Waiting until Bristol
9. Pack & load car
10. Lunch!
Not too bad. Best get on it. Ugh.. I forgot “make coffee”. That is my mandatory next item to do.

Hope everyone enjoys the rainfall without having to endure flooding and power outtages here. We’ll see y’all … Sunday night? Monday morning?


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