[14:30] Flerly: So… (Jim and I) go to Target… and then we go to Kroger… and we’re talking and going on… we walk down the cereal aisle…
[14:30] Flerly: i see the low sugar oatmeal and say, “Hey, i need some of that… i’m out. I had to make one of your regular oatmeal’s this morning…”
[14:31] Flerly: and then i slap my hand over my mouth and muffle myself saying “oh, shit”
[14:31] Flerly: i never ate the oatmeal. i left it in the microwave, where it’s been since, oh… about 10am.
[14:31] Flerly: note the time. it was still flashing END END END… after all these hours. And it had setup like concrete
[14:31] Chemguru: hahahaha
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