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Word is, folks can stay up all night tonight

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Thursday, October 21, 2004 at 10:03 pm by flerly.

Since I just finished…

“Dune: The Battle of Corrin” – Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson
“The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower” – Stephen King
“Incubus Dreams” – Laurell K. Hamilton

and have had to resort to re-reading some old Sweet Potato Queen’s book I left lying around the bedroom, I decided it was time for happy birthday to me..

“A Short History of Nearly Everything” – BILL BRYSON
“The Five People You Meet in Heaven” – Mitch Albom
“The Sweet Potato Queens’ Field Guide to Men : Every Man I Love Is Either Married, Gay, or Dead” – JILL CONNER BROWNE

Thank you, Amazon.

Wish I had a not too shabby, screw-top riesling and a book right now….



  1. schlemaggle has made a Comment

    oh my god. i was just thinking about you, and was about to dedicate an entire post to this:

    i have finally solved the mystery of who would play you in a movie (which i’ve been thinking about since we had the table-wide discussion at Kit’s graduation dinner at Rocky’s so very pretty long ago):

    Alex Kingston. An Alex Kingston with shorter hair, that is.

    October 21, 2004 @ 3:48 pm

  2. infinite1der has made a Comment

    Excellent choice!

    October 21, 2004 @ 3:57 pm

  3. flerly has made a Comment

    of books or of Alex Kingston, and you wish I had that accent.

    October 21, 2004 @ 4:26 pm

  4. flerly has made a Comment

    i hope i look that good at 43…

    it must be the inspiration of the screw-top wine. where do i get me some of that? do they make a screw-top shiraz?

    October 21, 2004 @ 4:29 pm

  5. schlemaggle has made a Comment

    that classy screw-top wine comes straight from your friendly neighborhood kroger. the classy kroger, obviously. you find it right next to the boxed wine. actually, i found it nestled in with the rest of the rieslings, safely away from the boxed wine and Boone’s, hiding out like it wasn’t a screw-top at all. in my defense, the top even had the outer wrapping like corked wines have; i felt so deceived. i’m sure they make screw-top shiraz…look for Lindeman’s.

    p.s. what does a girl get an Alex Kingston look-alike for her birthday?

    October 21, 2004 @ 4:47 pm

  6. flerly has made a Comment

    Barring the obvious gifts of overpriced name-brand dinnerware for the cats to feast on or a 1-man panic-room, I’d say alcohol. Lots of alcohol.

    October 21, 2004 @ 4:49 pm

  7. schlemaggle has made a Comment

    so you were watching gilmore girls, too, eh? 😉

    October 22, 2004 @ 2:03 am

  8. flerly has made a Comment

    oh yes. yes, i was. first, how cool is a panic room. second, how cool is “let’s play bad guy… i’m after you! Run, get in the panic room!”

    that show cracks me up

    October 22, 2004 @ 4:39 am

  9. schlemaggle has made a Comment

    i know, me too. i can’t believe i just now started watching it. why did no one tell me it was so funny? and can i say how much grandma reminded me of my own grandma with her, “are you alone? are you writing this down? the 7 digit code is 1-1-1-1-1-1-1. got it?” aaaaagggh! i about died laughing.

    p.s. are you aware that Trader Vic’s is having a halloween party tomorrow night? should we go dressed in our zombie-hunting garb? maybe i’ll just dress as a normal person…not too many of those walking around these days.

    October 22, 2004 @ 7:22 am

  10. bunnyboy has made a Comment

    I went through some of the Dune Prequels m’self recently but the most recent finished book on my pile is Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke. I highly recommend it. It’s set in early 19th century England starting during the Napoleonic War and is mainly concerned with the revival of English Magic and two magicians (Strange & Norrell). I heard an interview with the author on NPR; this is her first novel. One reviewer called it ‘Harry Potter for Adults’. The author cited Neil Gaiman and Alan Moore as two of her influences. At this point I had to go and pick up a copy. I wasn’t disappointed. Oh, and by the way: Happy Birthday. :}

    From the rooftop shout it out,
    Holder of Carrots, Ready to Go, Gentleman Magician

    October 22, 2004 @ 7:37 am

  11. flerly has made a Comment

    When I made these reservations a couple weeks ago, had NO idea of the halloween party. =\ I dunno what i’m wearing, but I hadn’t planned on Halloween costumes. We’re lucky if we have an idea by next weekend.

    October 23, 2004 @ 10:43 am

  12. flerly has made a Comment

    Thanks for the good wishes and the recommendation! I flipped through that at the mall the other day and it will definately be on my list!

    October 29, 2004 @ 11:53 am

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