Spinning up to 33 rpm….
This entry rated minimum one cup of caffeinated beverage of choice required.
I prefer 3-cups of tasty-caffeinated beverage at once, in what
We wanted to be sedated, and Trader Vic’s certainly tried hard enough to work alcohol into every item on the menu. Won’t you try our honey-baked (brandy-filled) bread? Need some salt (somehow actually particles of solid vodka) for your entree? Won’t you have some rum ice-cream (looks like vanilla, but is actually a shot)? Well, I exaggerate, but at least one of those is true (the solid vodka one). Strangely, though, when you actually ordered alcohol there, it came watered-down, or rather sugared-down, in the proper fruity, Polynesian style, complete with pointless, fruity garnishes (on a steeek) and in coconut- or tiki-god-shaped containers.
Post pocket-gouging Polynesian palatables and palavering, we set off in search of more P-words to complete the evening. Parka would have been good, as
Afterwards, though it was going on midnight and we were fat and lazy from alcohol and sugar,
Alas, though, the only zombie even reported while we were in attendance was a 7-month old that they had “put to sleep upstairs”, and shortly after overzealous members of ZIPT started seeking non-zombie volunteers to “practice fighting techniques on” (also known as poke with the pitchfork) we decided to risk going out into the zombie-infested darkness and head home. Despite the fact that it was 2 AM, I think we expected the boys of the 30338 to be wide-awake and up for something, but we arrived to find they had mostly given in to their lethargia. Seeing thus, we feared giving in to our own, so
In retrospect, not a terrible birthday celebration, for a pre-birthdate event. Today is sort of a “last day of freedom” as I try to decide what evil things I’d like to chew before my dentist appointment tomorrow — something more birthday-treat worthy than that shot of ice-cream, I’m thinking. The last wisdom tooth has got to go, and if my jaw ends up as sore on that side as it did last time, I’m not looking forward to the following week. I can only hope that I will be back up to prime concert-crowd-singing mode in time for Wednesday’s Queensryche show. I will also have a PileTM of work to do that is due Friday, making me a not so very happy camper over my actual birth-date.
Hrm… thinking of the dentist…. perhaps I’ll see if I can get any of those folks who mixed up the fake blood and created those zombie-attack wounds for the party last night can help me with a costume idea…. Dentist Visit Gone Horribly Awry. Wait, perhaps I should wait until after Monday to start thinking about things that could go wrong at the dentist.
Anyway, today I think I’ll make
schlemaggle has made a Comment
i don’t know if i told you, but i had a wonderful time saturday night (despite the Hul-orrible lounge “singer”). thank you for letting me be the chosen one.
October 25, 2004 @ 1:20 pm