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Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 at 9:07 am by flerly.

Made it home last night from entirely too much travelling. Family was all well, with the exception of Mom who we decided on the way home needs to take her SAD drugs. There was, at least, drinking and dance dance revolution to be had up there. Already we are committed to going back up (we/me/whatever — just shoot me) to retrieve snow gear, the PS2 & games, and, as we noticed this morning, James’ winter coat. Joy.

Oh, and just when I think we’ve made it and all is well, and I want nothing more than to take another pair of ibuprofen and try to sleep off the sore muscles from snowboarding, JamesT checks the voicemail to find messages for me: Merry Christmas. You’re (probably) fired. Just wanted you to know. If human resources calls you or you get a Fed-Ex package, then you’ll know for sure.


1 Comment

  1. aoide has made a Comment

    Are you kidding? that sucks!

    December 29, 2004 @ 10:13 am

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