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For the record…

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Thursday, January 6, 2005 at 11:33 am by flerly.

I am employed again and am immediately busy. =\

I seem to have a nasty cold and now realize how lame it is to feel like crap, be all whiny, and all you can tell people is you have a cold.

We will not be going out of town this weekend, and may boycott roads in all forms.

I still have a couple gifts to give out and need to hook up with folks, but I’m afraid it’s going to have to be next week, as, even though it’s only a cold, I feel like crap.

PS. And may I just add that the way a cold can make even the most wonderful food taste disgusting… well, we need to market that as a diet. Let me sneeze on you and lose weight fast!



  1. anonymous has made a Comment

    So that means your back at FNIS?

    January 10, 2005 @ 12:02 pm

  2. flerly has made a Comment

    Yes and no, but mostly no. Same job, different day… I mean different boss.

    The sun has been setting in the east again.

    January 16, 2005 @ 9:48 pm

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