How did she…?
Motley is now very clean, first with Clorox from the mop and now from a bath. Jim found her locked in the pantry, where, along with knocking down every can and box, she also managed to poke a hole in the cleaner reservoir of the Clorox mop and soak herself with cleaner.
JT is still confined to bed, battling bouts of fever and sweats, which is sad, except both cats keep curling up with him on the bed and it’s just so cute.
Work is heavy again, with tons of customer revisions coming in every day, and I hate to admit I got so busy I forgot about JT. =\ He actually emailed me from his pager to bring him more medicine. Apparently being a nurse isn’t an instinct that comes naturally.
Already looking forward to tentative Friday plans for some serious girltime and drinking.
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