Recombobulate that bottom today!

I’m sorry, I meant… don’t you want to buy a Bottom Reformulator memory foam cushion?
Just check out this description…
A tightly-shaped bottom can be attained with the Bottom Reformulator. Look more attractive. Feel better about yourself. Enhance your self-image. Women across the nation can be found at fitness centers using stair master machines, engaging in aerobics and pilates to achieve a slender body, and to make their bottoms look firm. Now you can more easily achieve the buttocks you envision, on top of your physical training by using the Bottom Reformulator. It’s been designed by a team of plastic surgeons from Taiwan to enhance the shape of your buttocks and to make them appear more toned and tight. These doctors concluded that body pressure on a curved memory-foam pillow can, after an allotted period of time, reshape your bottom. Use our memory foam cushion to curve your bottom just the way you want it to be shaped. You’ll be on your way to attaining that starlet figure with the Bottom Reformulator. It’s been vigorously tested and is proven to work. You’ll see results within 90 days. If you’re not satisfied, you can get a full refund within that time. Directions for use: just sit on it at home or the office, it is comfortable and doesn’t have any side effects. A wonderfully-shaped bottom will do wonders for your world. Buy it today
Finally, a snow-white pillow for your big fat ass.
tiger66466 has made a Comment
a PILLOW designed by PLASTIC SURGEONS in TAIWAN? Let me rush right out and buy one and get my ass reformulated posthaste.
March 17, 2005 @ 11:50 am