My heroes…
Stupid car. Stupid brakes. Stupid bolt that decides to fly off and live on Thornton Road someplace.
A million gracias to JT, who knows he’s appreciated, and a many thanks to Stacy for her assistance in finding a parts store in her neck of the woods. We’ll try a more permanent fix tomorrow, but for tonight, we made it home without an expensive tow, thank goodness.
And now, I’m tired and hungry… and I owe someone a huge steak.
Happy um… “maybe a date” Magoo…
Happy Birthday Skittles… don’t get so drunk you find another soft spot tomorrow.
Happy Fantasm (I ASSume) Tiger… Audioslave is Wednesday, May 4th, at the Tabernacle, and me plus book will probably be there early to stand in line, so you can just meet up later.
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