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Murphy’s humpday work adages…

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Wednesday, March 30, 2005 at 1:08 pm by flerly.

• If you schedule it, it will be rescheduled.
• If you wait a reasonable time for them to call, they will call after the reasonable time.
• If you leave a phone number to be reached at in a message, they will undoubtedly call some other number they have for you.
• People from other timezones will never recognize your lunch hour, especially if they know you work from home.
• An emergency only contact cell-phone number that is personal and not paid for by the business, will inevitably end up the first phone number your boss always tries.
• If a customer asks for an email address to reach you “after hours”, and you actually give it to them, they will forever cc every email thereafter to both your “work” and “after hours” addresses.

*ARGH* Attending a conference call with the sole purpose of arranging a good time for another conference call consistently makes me feel retarded. Not attending gets you chastised.

So, hey, like guess what? My boss asked me if I can do just like.. a regular website… not using any of our scripting, just like… a normal website, with links and stuff.. and maybe using some of that HTML stuff. Can I do that, huh? Can I, huh? Oh, and if I can do that, what should they ask the customer for in order for me to know what to put on the website? Gosh golly gee I’m excited… I get to arrange a place to host it too, since we don’t host actual websites.

On the way back from Carolina, JT and I made some plans, which I’m itching to get started on, but who has the time right now. We’ll probably need to take a day off work sometime soon to get things going. Before then, though, we have our lease stuff to hammer out, which has to be done Saturday. Sunday, we may end up taking a day trip to Chattavegas to visit JT’s dad for his birthday… provided we come up with a present idea in time. At least I finished our taxes last night… big, ugly, and scary as they were, so something is accomplished.

Anyway… leftover Chinese food for lunch and more work to be had. Best get to it.


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