In case of emergency, use stairs.
Sweet, sweet Buffy: Gentlemen episode, nice and quiet, doesn’t even need to be turned down while I’m on a call….
So.. this “big deal” of a “regular” website I’m supposed to be “thinking about”… after a request for some more information, like say… a customer’s name, brand, logo, or perhaps subject matter, I have been told only that I will find all that out on a call we’re going to schedule… sometime. For now, all they can say is “be thinking about” what we can do to make a static site with some “sizzle”. Well, does that mean it’s a site about breakfast meats? Sizzle? No? Sizzle, huh. Wonder if they mean this kind of sizzle… wouldn’t that make for an interesting days work.
It would, at least, make for an interesting new icon.
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