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and they’re off…

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Monday, April 15, 2002 at 11:21 am by flerly.

to another great start of another pissy week.

Speedway bitching at me. Have so much crap to do. Torn between begging for money for contacts or Clarinex, both of which will be equally expensive. EGAD gas prices are high… and woke up with a lousy hangover headache again, despite not having drank anything, and thus could not drag my tired ass out of bed with the alarm to go workout as planned. Just… shitty.

On the bright side, this afternoon should be nice. It WILL include exercise, then a lovely tuna kabob meal, the preparation of a lovely low-carb chocolate dessert treat, and the doing of much laundry in the bedroom, since James will be gone and “out of the way”! =) He’ll like that phrase. Yeah, so my “excuse” for not doing laundry, or putting away clean laundry, rather, is that over the weekend, James is asleep in that room and i can’t disturb him, or during the week, I’m so anxious to do something stress relieving with him, that I just say fuck it.

As it turns out I am an idiot. I can’t do the graduation party on May 12th, because well, DUH it’s Mother’s Day, and the plan is I’m flying up to Bristol that weekend. I guess we’ll have to reschedule for the next weekend. Not sure yet what will happen. I’m anticipating being too broke to reserve the club house anyway, since they want $200 for that.. so I’m already thinking we’re going to have to make other plans.

Ugh… better get to work. Have a pile of things to dig out from under today.


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