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Monday! Monday! Monday!

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Monday, May 30, 2005 at 11:07 pm by flerly.

Who ever thought there would come a second opportunity in life where one could be offered moonshine? Heck, who ever thought there would come a first time to enjoy bathtub cider? Lucky for us, they weren’t serving the bathtub merlot they’d made before…

Thank goodness for unexpected Memorial Day fun.

The rest of the weekend was a weird mix of work and relaxation. At some point I managed to type in several pages worth of agent data, while enjoying some new Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds downloads. Chatted up Jason Churchill, with whom I haven’t had more than a grunting MSN work conversation with in several months. Completely spaced-out and forgot about an event I had gotten both an invitation and a very nice phone call urging me to attend on Saturday. Instead, stayed in, typed agent info and played poker with the boys. Sunday was a blur of house cleaning, though I barely made a dent, then a nice dinner with , then a poorly-timed trip to Apres Diem, then a better timed late-night trip to The Cheesecake Factory, where late-night coffee and sugar allowed us to stay up for a viewing of I Heart Huckabees— which was bizarre but entertaining, as seems to be the trend of movies I’ve rented lately.

Today, of course, was the jewel. Drove to the far arctic north of GA 400 to the house of one of ‘s old college friends for a cook-out. Only meeting him for the second time, the first having been brief, I was soon overwhelmed by his eccentricities and after several “and then this caught on fire” or “and then Jeff fell off the roof” stories I was simply amazed he was still alive. As if you didn’t know you know you were with an entertaining couple when you walked in their house and saw the stand up Gauntlet arcade game in their dining room, there is really no doubt when after every story he tells, the wife has to add: “yeah, I don’t think that particular establishment will have us back.” I mean seriously, this guy “fixed-up” his lawn mower, it burst into flames then rolled down his yard into some trees…. causing much “fun with neighbors”. They have a million stories.

But too much high octane cider on an empty stomach wore me out quickly so that not even their beer-marinated burgers could get me going again. So, we headed home, mostly so I could sit and do some more fricking work before tomorrow. I think I’ll just take the laptop upstairs and work in bed over the wireless. That at least will be less like a regular workday experience.

P.S.: We MUST have a get together at the house formerly known as The Love Shack again soon because I have a mason jar of concentrated apple fire in the fridge that must be shared. Cut with some regular apple juice, it’s really quite good stuff.



  1. tiger66466 has made a Comment

    (a) I’m envious of your being offered moonshine. Wow, it’s now been years since the last moonshine incident. What was that? 2001 turning to 2002? Or 2002 turning to 2003? Gah, I can’t keep the years straight anymore.

    (b) You may have been at Apres Diem while I was at the Highlander on Sunday! I was there – sitting outside – from 9 to about 11:30 pm.

    May 31, 2005 @ 12:27 pm

  2. flerly has made a Comment

    I was trying to remember what year that was, too… i think it was 2001-2002. This time I didn’t actually try the moonshine, but it was offered. Just the cider was making me ill, so I didn’t think I could hack the fire he was promising.

    Apres Diem was packed and it was still raining out, which is why it was badly timed for us. We parked way off to the right, so we didn’t even walk by the Highlander. I guess it was… 9:30 or so when we were there. Not sure. I know it was 10 when we got to the Cheesecake Factory. Apres Diem looks like a swanky place, though, for another night — when it’s way less crowded.

    May 31, 2005 @ 4:18 pm

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