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Now I’ve heard it all…

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 at 3:04 pm by flerly.

Flipped on the TV and caught the end of one of those organization shows on HGTV. The couple had hired someone to deal with their overflowing living room/media room. The organizer suggested they rip their huge cd collection to an external harddrive, which he hooked up to some gadget to wirelessly communicate with their stereo. Then they simply “did away” with their actual cds… sold them, donated them, stored some off site, to get rid of all that “media clutter.”

Included in the “clutter” was their $10K plasma TV, which thankfully the husband put his foot down that they had to keep, even though the wife was ready to have it hauled away. The compromise by the designer…. a fabric plasma-TV cozy, the same color as the wall, so when it’s on, it “disappears”.

I told all this to JT and we lamented how we wish we had their problems. Oh, please help us hide our ugly $10K plasma television! We’re just so frustrated, we think we’ll just give it away.

As much as I like the ideas for organization I get from some of these shows, it still irks me that these people are so hopeless that they’re willing to pay someone else to come clean up their mess.


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