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ice, ice, baby

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Monday, July 18, 2005 at 12:08 pm by flerly.

So, Mr. Thornton is finally having to see a dentist today to deal with his own nasty wisdom tooth pains. It’s been a fun weekend for him, I’m sure. Ugh. Well, how good cold felt on his jaw meant we splurged on milkshakes one day and Baskin-Robbins the next. Yum!

Amazon did manage to have my book delivered ON the release day, so that was nice. Because I’m a freak, though, I also picked up a greatly discounted copy of the book on CD, just because I love Jim Dale and listening to his animated read of Harry Potter on road trips is one of my favorite things. Makes for some potential Mom visits for her to look forward to. Couldn’t stand to wait through the 17 cd’s to get the story, so had to devour the written word already, but… well. I’m glad I did. I’d already caught some spoilers on the book via LJ friends, anyway, though spoilers don’t generally bother me too much.

Three days of work left then it’s time to fly. Sis will be here Wednesday evening to sleep over so we can leave at the crack of dawn Thursday. I let her know I’d already read the HP6 book so she could take it on the trip, which she said she had been counting on… but as it turns out, she ran across a copy down there without pre-ordering, so she went ahead and picked it up. Wonder how much she’ll laugh at me for listening to the book on cd on the plane. Of course, she may not notice — she said she’s fighting a nasty sinus infection, and wasn’t looking forward to how it would feel to fly with it. She figured she might just try drinking until passing out on the plane. Does anyone know if it’s legal to take a flask on an airplane? If it is, I may have to consult Mr.TheMad about borrowing one of his, for medicinal purposes, of course.

Me, today, I get to head to my own quick doc appointment just before JT hits the dentist. I guess I’ll be standing by to hear if he needs a ride. Oh well.. best get to it.



  1. aoide has made a Comment

    Have fun this weekend.

    July 18, 2005 @ 12:23 pm

  2. flerly has made a Comment

    I cannot wait. 5 days in San Diego with no computer. 5 days with Sis and Niece and no silly boys. =)

    July 18, 2005 @ 12:31 pm

  3. aoide has made a Comment

    I am going to have a similar experience myself. I am going to Denver to visit my sister so no computer or boys for me either! Well, Unless you count the two month old Quinn.

    July 18, 2005 @ 12:33 pm

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