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La Venganza De Los Sith… La Rivinicta dei Sith…

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Sunday, July 31, 2005 at 11:22 pm by flerly.

Today’s language lesson courtesy bittorrent. meh.

So fricking tired. Whirlwind visit to Chattavegas saw us doing yardwork and cleaning out gutters at the grandparents house, so as to leave the grandfather no excuse to get out of bed during his two-week, doctor-suggested recoup time. He’s out of the hospital, but was referred to a sleep specialist for his “suffocation” problem. Two attempts to do an uninterrupted sleep apnea test on him in the hospital resulted in two sleepless nights full of idiots who kept waking him up. Meh.. hospitals.

Ugh.. brain not working. Too sleeeeeepy. Goodbye, July.



  1. llahlahkje has made a Comment

    Señora Amidala: Te gusta Darth Vader?
    Señor Obi-Wan: No, no me gusta Darth Vader.
    Señora Amidala: Díos mío, alguien llamen la policía!

    *and on to infinity*

    July 31, 2005 @ 11:34 pm

  2. llahlahkje has made a Comment

    Oh and let us not forget…

    Emperador Palpatino: ¡¿Vader, donde estan mís chicarrones, tu perra estupida?!

    July 31, 2005 @ 11:35 pm

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