I guess it took a week to digest it all….

Everyone keeps asking how the trip was. Usually my reply is “short.” Have to say, I loved San Diego, and not just for the weather. The city size was nice, proximity to the ocean, proximity to other places worth visiting, things to do, the view, the food (mmmm…avocado on everything!) and did I mention the weather? Um.. yeah. Cost of living, or at least, cost for real estate is through the roof, however. I wouldn’t mind moving, though, in all seriousness.
Niece’s daughter is in the year-round school system out there, so she was just out of school when we arrived. Thus, she flew home with me and her granny for her month-long vacation. Since her seat had been booked separately and paid for with a military-personnel’s sky-miles, she had been seated in first class for the economy rate. Lucky for me, she’s 10, shy, and wasn’t looking forward to sitting alone with strangers while granny and I were riding together in the back…. thus, she elected to sit with granny and let me ride first class. Sweeet, I guess, save we were on the red-eye and everyone just slept, so there wasn’t a lot of time to take advantage of free booze, etc.
Got the news while I was there about JT’s grandfather, which I already post about. Also got some bizarro news about my e-strange-d brother from mom while I was there. Apparently, he and his wife decided to pay a visit to my dad’s sister out of the blue. My aunt related the event to mom, as they knew she would. She couldn’t remember the last time they’d visited — long before dad passed away, that’s for sure. Apparently brother Bob suffered an accident at work, where he has lost most of the use of one leg, and is now on disability. Aunt also said that (at 54) that his beard had gone completely white and he looked horrible. They had just missed seeing mom, as she had been by to visit earlier in the day, and Aunt told them so. They didn’t react at all, which is expected since they have not been speaking to mom, dad, or any siblings for, lets see… 14, 15 years now, other than to reply to our attempts to contact them about dad’s sickness and then death with hangups and hate mail. Now they’re pulling this stunt to make sure his health condition gets back to the family, for what… to attempt to guilt us somehow? Fat chance. As far as I’m concerned he’s already dead — the only acceptable excuse for him not to visit dad in the hospital. Karma, baby — come get some!
Okay… so this week at work is busy, busy, busy, and I should, in fact, be doing it now. Have many mockups to do, and many approved mockups to cut and put live. Glad to have had a little break to help with the creativity issues I’ve had lately. Just been uninspired, and it feels like everything is looking just like everything else.
Lastly, I’d been hoping that August would be the start of some free time, but it looks like this weekend is already booked. We’re supposed to have Marc and Jenni in as houseguests. They want to hit this Saturdays 99x concert. Sometime soon JT’s Dad & fam are still wanting to spend some time with us. They were hoping to hit Six Flags this summer, too, but Noah starts school tomorrow. Man I dread hitting that place on a weekend…
Alright. Back to business. That’s enough babble for one week.
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