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<b>Bold Words Memo to Remember</b> boredom… this is boredom.

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Monday, October 24, 2005 at 1:56 pm by flerly.

Subject: The STAPLED HEADS ON PIKES in the BROOM CLOSET and Other Business.
From: Mr. WHITE, RUBBER BAND Supervisor
To: All Employees of BOUND LAND SHARK Inc.

It has come to my REJECTED attention that the BROOM CLOSET has been STUPIDLY SPRANG ABOVE with STAPLED HEADS ON PIKES. I am tired of dealing with POINTY employees and their STAPLED HEADS ON PIKES. The BROOM CLOSET is meant for RUNNING. It is not a STAPLER room.

On a more FRUSTRATED note, I would like to STAB all of you for the SLEEPY work you all did on the RED TONER CARTRIDGE account. You should all be ANGRILY DROPPED.

Also, be sure to welcome TED, the newest member of the LASER PEN department. They will be a CAFFEINATED COFFEE MUG to our family.

Mr. WHITE, RUBBER BAND Supervisor.

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