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Come on and break it on down

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Wednesday, November 2, 2005 at 1:08 pm by flerly.

1. I need to call Dale about some work. My neck’s been getting sore and causing sudden pain that’s making me nauseous.

2. Didn’t get to it last night, but made a run for Ep III on dvd today. Perhaps we will watch it later. Tip: Best Buy: $14.99.

3. Rent paid, bank deposit made, prescription refilled, groceries bought (and the aforementioned dvd), all in only a slightly long lunch hour. Not too shabby.

4. When you send me a screen capture of a website instead of a link to the website, then ask me to make something pretty much like that, don’t get upset that I didn’t animate it, since… well… couldn’t tell it was animated from your still shot, eh? So much for my productive morning of work.


1 Comment

  1. aoide has made a Comment

    Ep III was the same price at target.

    November 2, 2005 @ 2:35 pm

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