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Quick breather

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Monday, November 21, 2005 at 12:44 pm by flerly.

Meh… I am surviving the emotional roller coaster that is being a part of my family. As of our last conversation, Mom was seeming… more… sane? So that’s, good. She may yet show up for Thanksgiving at the Sis’s place. Supposed to call her again tonight.

Meanwhile… Friday was Mr. T’s last work day for two solid weeks! His mother warned him to “stay out of my hair” so I could get my work done in time for our quick Chattanooga trip. We’re still not sure how quick it should be or how long it will actually take us to pack for the cruise. I want to give us the paranoid two days, in case of laundry necessity, last minute purchase needs, or whatever.

I just feel like I still have so much to do to get ready, but… these three days must be focused on getting a chunk of work done. I finally got the list to begin my big project today. That means I got to spend this weekend “killing time” with JT, which we managed to do pretty well. On one of our outings we picked up the used PS2 game “Outlaw Tennis”, which I have to say is hilarious, as it is the first “outlaw” game I’ve played. Surprised us both to find that Stephen Colbert is the announcer in the game. Too funny. After a disappointing shopping weekend, we laughed our asses off while playing that for just a short while last night.

Oh, and Stacy will understand this one. I finally managed to make it all the way through ‘Ramp it Up”, but when I tried ‘Burn it Up’, I felt like a lunatic ragdoll with a club-foot… and overextended my knee. Ouch. Fat chance what doing the beach-body workout for a few weeks solid before the trip will REALLY do for me, but a couple weeks ago I could barely do four pushups and I’m up to 20. Just have to not let Thanksgiving ruin my progress pre-cruise.

Okay… I’ve procrastinated enough. JT is out trying to enjoy his day off and give me space to work, so I’d better take advantage of this time.


1 Comment

  1. aoide has made a Comment

    You are going to have so much fun on your cruise!

    November 21, 2005 @ 2:31 pm

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