On track…

Yesterday was a red letter day for packages, as over half the items I’d ordered for presents arrived. They’re still boxed, though, as I haven’t taken the time to open and check them out, let alone wrap them. I did manage, however, to send Mom her present yesterday and stop by Tuesday Morning for JT’s gram’s present. Other than one of our secret Santa gifts, we’re pretty much done. Just need to get some info on Visa gift cards.
How old am I? Seriously? I mean… I have to say lately I’ve enjoyed reading the entire Chronicles of Narnia, I go on and on about how much I love listening to Jim Dale read and reread all the Harry Potter books, and now I’m completely hooked on the Lemony Snicket audiobooks. I’ve listened to a lot of audiobooks in my time, and I have to say there is just something about the voices they get to read these children’s books that are just wonderful and engaging, so much expression. I think I’m also loving these because I haven’t actually read any of the Lemony Snicket books, so other than seeing the movie, I didn’t really know what it was all about. Listening to them is making me nuts trying to think of what children I know need to have copies of these cds for Christmas, but then I can’t manage to take the time to stop listening long enough to burn any cds!
Friday, I’m delighted to say, is our company Christmas outing. Who knew we would even have a company outing? We haven’t had a Christmas party in… well, I don’t remember one at all. We’re spending the day at the new Atlanta aquarium. Afterwards I’m pleased to join Skittles and some friends at her home for some holiday cheer in the form of drinking and decorating Christmas cookies.
Meanwhile, I’d best get back to this site list. I’m being allowed to work through it at my own pace, with only a target finish date. Each one I do is teaching me new strategies for improving how I do future ones, shortcuts and such, which in theory will make me able to go faster as I progress. Five sites in five days last week, but so far I’m one site for two days this week. So much for my theory. Best get cracking.
PS. I have another husband induced addiction. Yes, I buy adidas now, and it seems, I’m also a swatch junkie. Squiggly.com — a Netherlands based swatch reseller, is one of my often perused websites. WHY?!? Because I want this — and at least 15 other ones. *stop the madness*
infinite1der has made a Comment
You’re such a brand snob…
Oh, and my Adidas rep. is happy that you’ve made the switch. But, she said you’ll need to buy more than just shoes to receive a check like I do.
December 14, 2005 @ 2:02 pm
flerly has made a Comment
Hey now. You should know I didn’t count myself as an official Adidas shopper until I spent all that dough this year on clothes for playing tennis. I knew shoes didn’t count. Where’s my check?
December 14, 2005 @ 3:42 pm