Happy Birthday, Pete

Ok, having a birthday is better than the alterative but this puts me one year closer to ancient. Actually, I don’t feel ancient, I just look it. Anyway, thanks you and James for the DVD’s (Firefly). Chris came into the shop today and saw them, explained the basis for the series and instructed me to watch all the DVD’s and then rent a movie, the name of which I don’t remember (He meant Serenity), and watch it because it is based on the series. SiFi brought up SG-1 and he spent another 10 minutes explaining the difference between SG-1 and SG Atlantis. So Ok I am a SiFi fan and would watch it regularly if I could watch TV regularly which means I really appreciate the movies even though you shouldn’t have done it. Why don’t I watch TV regularly? Let’s see, I worked all day Saturday, part of the day Sunday, Got home about 7 last night and about 7:15 tonight. I can faintly see a light at the end of the tunnel, I just hope it’s not a damn train.
P.S. I was going to post this on your web site so that I could publicly thank ya’ll but I couldn’t figure out how to do that.
We hope it’s not a train, too. TGIF.
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