gd what a sunny day..
Almost makes me wish I wasn’t such a total bum today. JT off work now and engrossed in the same women’s tennis match I was stuck on. I manage to walk away from the tv, but I think I lost him…. so much for lunch and frisbee before the eye doctor today. Oh well, probably better that way… perhaps after new contacts I can actually SEE the fucking frisbee before it smacks me in the forehead!
Definitely losing weight… feel almost good in these shorts and tank today. Weird. This diet rocks. It rocks most because of the awesome chocolate cheesecake that I got to munch on last night all completely diet legal. Yeah! Atkins rocks!
Damn.. Capriati went down. This Patty Schnyder (sneeder?) chick is interesting to watch.
oh well.. lunch now.
kennyg has made a Comment
Carefull of that atkins. It can really bone your kidneys, if you aren’t carefull. I don’t remember the spacifics try searching google for atkins dangers anyway some guy in my home town almost died he was so messed up because of the atkins diet.
April 20, 2002 @ 11:29 am