Good to know.
[00:09] Kim: You staying up all night?
[00:09] Jonathan: that is yet to be determined
[00:09] Jonathan: I hope not
[00:09] Kim: well, i still show rmx centre w/o content.. i was going to do it, then quit for the night… unless you have any requests
[00:10] Jonathan: not really. and IF I did, requests are no longer valid after mid-night
Goodnight, eerie blue-lit keyboard. Goodnight, monitor. Goodnight, messenger. All sites have graphics and content and now I can rest.
Until tomorrow, when I get to go down the Q/C list to see what needs to be fixed ASAP on all the new live sites.
aoide has made a Comment
Woot! Your done! You should start your day today with a mimosa!
January 24, 2006 @ 10:55 am