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Mardi Gras?

Posted in Crazy Wisdom on Tuesday, February 28, 2006 at 2:46 pm by flerly.

I did forget… thanks .

But, alas, I feel like crap today. Helped Kit last night with some pre-painting needs at the new place, and apparently inhaled more dust than I could take. Add that to physically swapping out these computers today, which stirred up a ton of dust, crawling around under the desk, sorting through a gazillion cables that I’m not even sure what they connect… I’ve sliced my finger open on something, and I still have no printer. It is being stealthy and undetectable. My new Norton Antivirus 2006 is sticking it’s virtual nose in everywhere I try to go on the web in the course of downloading drivers and even when I browse across our network to my old computer to copy things over. It’s like a virtual nagging mother. Wonder how long Norton stays installed…

Need caffeine and tylenol. MUST get this computer crap sorted out tonight. Too many big work plans for tomorrow.


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